- 头部CT Cranial Computed Tomography
- 头部CT图像 head CT images
- 儿童颅脑CT的应用 Application of Cranial CT in Children
- 头部CT临床应用小结 Preliminary Clinical Use of CT of the Head
- 早产儿颅脑CT低剂量扫描意义 The value of low-dose CT scanning in brain of premature infant
- 153例老年人颅脑CT体检分析 Analysis of Cranian CT Findings in the Check-up of 153 Aged Subjects
- 新生儿头部CT检查261例分析 Cramal CT Scanning in Neonates
- 头部CT, 颅脑CT Cranial Computed Tomography
- 头部 head
- 颅脑CT阴性的癫痫患者的脑电研究 Study of EEG for the CT negative epileptic patients
- 血性脑脊液与颅脑CT异常的相关性研究 Correlation between bloody cerebrospinal fluid and craniocerebral CT abnormality
- Minor组中4例行头部CT扫描,1例行头部MRI扫描。 Group 2 consisted of 10 patients with minor neuropsychiatric manifestations(Minor), 4 patients and 1 patients among which were perfomed brain CT and MRI scans, respectively.
- 通过正常颅脑ct扫描图像,对枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹进行研究。 To study the depression of occipital arachnoid granulation by normal CT scans.
- 多层螺旋CT三维肺血管重建在肺血管相关疾病中的临床应用 Clinical Application of Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Multi - slice Spiral CT in Pulmonary Vessels in Chest Diseases Related to Pulmonary Vessels
- 3cm以下肺内球形病灶瘤-肺界面CT-病理对照(附50例分析) CT-pathologic Correlation of Tumor-lung Interface in Pulmonary Global Lesions 3 cm or less (Analysis of 50 Cases)
- 多层CT三维重建技术观测颅底各孔径值并分析其形态和性别差异 Observation and measurement of foramina of the skull base and analysis of their shape and gender differences by multislice CT three-dimensional reconstruction
- 原发性肝癌合并门静脉癌栓血液动力学改变的双期增强螺旋CT表现 Appearance of Biphasic Spiral CT of Hemodynamic Change of the Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Tumor Thrombus in Portal Vein
- 目的:探讨CT增强扫描碘造影剂不良反应的急救护理与预防措施。 Objective: To explore first-aid nursing care and prevention of adverse reaction resulting from contrast medium of iodine for enhancement CT scanning.
- 轻度脑损伤患者的加拿大头部CT准则和新奥尔良标准之比较 Comparison of the Canadian CT head rule and the New Orleans criteria in patients with minor head injury
- 接种2周后行CT、MR成像,随后行经股动脉肝动脉超选择DSA及纳米磁性粒子介入治疗。 CT and MR imaging were performed in all of the rabbits 2 weeks later, together with the transcatheter arterial super-selection DSA and nanometer magnetic fluid interventional therapy.